This article will explain the stages in a medical workflow.
The process of completing medicals will vary based on how a product or programme are set up. However, all medicals will go through the following stages:
1. A Medical is created, status is set to Processing.
2. Client Questionnaire is completed online prior to their appointment.
3. Measurements are recorded.
From the schedule view, to begin a medical, click the Start button or click on the three dot menu to the right of the client's name > select Start Medical.
Result entry fields for test categories that have been set up to Hide on Visit Workflow will only be displayed when Mark Complete has been selected.
4. Laboratory results are completed and mapped to a medical.
If bloods are collected in advance of a medical, results will be available. Bloods taken on the day of a medical will follow later.
5. Once all inputs are complete, click > Submit for Review.
The option to Submit for review will only become available when all data inputs are complete. The medical progress box will indicate the % that each data input section is complete.
6. Medical status is set to Ready for approval.
7. Medical is reviewed and approved by a Doctor user. Status is set to Approved.
8. Medical report is dispatched. Status set to Dispatched.
This process will be automatic if Auto-dispatch on approval was selected as a processing option, when the Product was created.
If the client does not have an online account, you will be prompted to input an email address and phone number when Dispatch is selected.
A client cannot view their results online until their medical has been dispatched.