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  2. Laboratory Results

Troubleshooting failed HL7 message imports

Full Health automatically adjusts the interpretation of test results by importing reference ranges specific to each test type in an HL7 message. This dynamic feature ensures accurate interpretation of results based on the individual reference ranges provided.

HL7 messages will fail to import in instances where reference range data for any individual test type is not included or if a result is provided in an unsupported format.

Failed imports will be clearly identified in the message status, informing users of the specific reason for the import failure. Common reasons for failure include:

Pending FHM review

If one or more results in the HL7 message are in an unsupported format, the Pending FHM review status will be triggered. Our team is promptly notified of messages with this status and will review them daily.

Solution: Full Health support team review HL7 message

If there is any delay in the review of a Pending FHM review message, please reach out to us at support@fullhealthmedical.com for assistance.

Invalid HL7

If the Full Health support team reviews an HL7 message and finds that the result format is unable to be processed, it will be marked as Invalid. In this scenario, it will be essential for a healthcare provider to contact the laboratory to rectify any issues with the result format and resend the HL7 message.

Solution: The healthcare provider contacts the lab to correct and resend HL7.

No person match

This situation arises when there is a difference between the client information stored in the system and the details provided in the HL7 message. This difference can be due to errors in the client name, sex at birth or date of birth.

Open the HL7 Message to review the Message Details. Refer to the Knowledge Base article, How to Access HL7 Messages, if you are unsure how. 

  • Client name errors: These most commonly occur if a name contains a space, accent or apostrophe. To correct spelling or format errors in a client name:
    • Open the HL7 message > correct the error > click Update HL7 message. Lab results will then import.
  • Gender or date of birth:  If client date of birth or sex at birth are incorrect on the HL7 message, please contact the laboratory to correct any errors and resend the message.

No medical match

This indicates that the system has found a client matching the criteria but their medical is not in processing. There are a number of reasons why this may occur:

Cause 1: A medical has been cancelled or progressed to Ready for Approval before lab results are imported.

Solution 1: Revert the medical back to Processing > open the HL7 message > click Update HL7 message. Lab results will then import.

Cause 2: There are 2 medicals in processing for the same client.

Solution 2: The solution will depend on the cause of having 2 medical records in processing:

  • If a previous medical was not fully completed and remains in processing, it should be completed and approved. Then, reopen the HL7 message and click on Update HL7 message.
  • If a duplicate medical has been created in error, it should be archived or deleted. Then, reopen the HL7 message and click on Update HL7 message.
  • If mapping still does not complete, open the HL7 message, input the medical reference on the HL7 message, and click Update HL7 message.

Cause 3: A client has duplicate profiles.

Solution 3: Merge client profiles, then reopen the HL7 message and click on Update HL7 message.