Client surveys can provide valuable feedback and insights into an individual's experience and level of satisfaction. They can help determine what has worked well and identify challenges that clients may have experienced.
Links to surveys you have created using your preferred third-party provider can be distributed from the Full Health platform. You can choose to dispatch a link to your survey with the 'report-ready' notification or send your survey at a preset time interval after report dispatch.
Clients can access the survey by clicking on the link in their email or by logging into their account.
How to add a third-party survey link to your programme
- From the top bar, click More > select Programmes > click the Programme name > on the left sidebar, click Surveys.
- Create a name for your survey
- Select Yes if you wish to include the survey link in the report-ready notification
- Select No if you wish to distribute the survey at a later date
- Set the interval post-report dispatch that you want a survey email to be sent
- Insert your third-party survey link
- Click Create.
If a report is redispatched, the time interval to send a survey is reset.
How to review survey engagement
Survey responses will be available through your third-party survey provider. Survey engagement numbers are available within Full Health.
- From the top bar click More > select Programmes > click the Programme name > on the left side bar click Survey.
- Data is provided on the number of clients who have opened the survey link.
If a survey is deleted, client engagement statistics will no longer be available.
How to edit survey links
- From the top bar click More > select Programmes > click the Programme name > on the left side bar click Surveys.
- Click the Edit button to edit the third-party link or dispatch interval.
- If the dispatch interval is edited, the updated interval will apply to future emails. Emails already queued will be dispatched at the original interval.
- Click Disable to stop the distribution of third-party survey emails.
- Click Delete to remove the survey link from your programme.
If a survey is deleted, any queued survey emails will be cancelled.
Validation will be performed on queued survey emails at the scheduled dispatch time. Emails will not be sent if a survey has been disabled.