1. Knowledge Base
  2. Orders and Payments

What is an order

An order is created when a booking is made for a medical with an associated cost. 

An order will include details of:

  • The product price.
  • The price of optional extras where applicable.
  • The total price.
  • Details of payments made and / or any outstanding amounts due.

Accessing orders

An order can be accessed from a medical or from the orders page.

To view an order from a medical:

  • Open the client medical > click the Financial tab.
  • Click on the order reference number to view details or make a payment. 

To access the Orders page:

  • From the top bar click on Clients > select Orders
  • All orders will be displayed with details of the client's name, medical reference, date created and the status of the order.
  • Click on the order reference number to view the details of an individual order.

Orders with optional extras

  • Optional extras will be added to an existing order if the base price is unpaid.
  • Adding optional extras will generate a new order if added after the base price has been paid in full.
If an order has been paid in full and an optional extra is removed, re-adding the optional extras will not create a new order.

Orders for group bookings

A client who completes a group booking on other client(s) behalf will be the account owner. They will act on behalf of client(s) associated with their account. A single order will be created for a group booking.

To view an order for a group booking

  • From the owner account profile > click on Orders tab.
  • Click on the order reference number to view the details of a group booking order.
  • All clients and medicals associated with the order will be listed.