This article will help you understand how you can publish appointments for multiple stations
Appointments can be published for multiple stations within a location. Refer to the article on How to create additional stations if required.
From the main dashboard, click on your Name on the top right of the screen, from the dropdown menu click on Programmes.
Click on the name of the Programme that you would like to publish appointments with multiple stations for.
From the Programme Overview Page, click on Groups and then Edit.
On the Manage Screening Group page, click on Review Published Dates to display a list of already published dates.
Select the dates where appointments are required with an additional station and click on Republish with another station.
Details of the additional stations and associated appointment slots will be displayed.
You can publish extra stations without setting up extra stations within a location!
If you do not have extra stations set up within a location, but occasionally need to publish extra appointments, you can do so by selecting the required date and click on Republish with another station.
The additional appointments will just be published with a Station #number rather than a specified name.