Managing accounts with associated client access

A client who completes a group booking on behalf of other client(s) will be the account owner and will act on behalf of the client(s) associated with their account.

Factors to consider for accounts with associated client access 

  1. Only the account owner has a registered email address, so appointment reminders, questionnaire notifications and report ready notifications will be sent to the account owner.
  2. Pre-appointment questionnaires can only be completed by the account owner.
  3. If an associated client wishes to have access to their own account, an email address can be added to their account by a provider.
  4. If requested, a provider can remove the account holder's access to an associate client's account.
  5. An account owner's access does not have to be removed in order to add an email address an associated client's account.
  6. When an email address is added to an associated client's account AND the account owner's access is NOT removed, pre-appointment questionnaires for the associated client can be accessed by both the account owner and the associated client.