1. Knowledge Base
  2. Managing Corporate Clients

Custom CSV properties

Full Health acknowledges that corporate organisations store and process their employee data in diverse systems and formats. Full Health provides default CSV properties for data upload, if these properties do not align with the data needs of a specific organisation, you have the option to create custom properties.

Custom CSV properties represent CSV column headers that can be created to upload unique data for a specific organisation.  

You should check whether a default property can meet your data requirements before creating a custom property.

How to create custom properties

You must have Administrator abilities to create custom properties.

  • From the top bar click on More > select Contract Management from the drop down menu.
  • From the left side bar select Custom Properties > select New custom property.
  • First, set the property's basic information:
    • Object type: Select Person as the object type.
    • Label: Assign a name for your custom property.
    • Description: It is optional to add a description; however, this may be helpful to your internal process.
  • Next set the Field type. The available field types are:
    • Text inputs
      • Single line text: Stores a single string of any alphanumeric characters, such as a word, a phrase, or a sentence. 
    • Choosing options
      • Yes / No: Stores only two options, yes or no. You can use this field type when you need a property with values that are yes or no.
      • Dropdown select: Stores multiple options where only one option can be selected as a value.  
      • Date picker: Stores a chosen date.
    • Values
      • Number: Stores a string of whole or decimal numbers.
  • Click Create.

After a custom property has been created, it is available to be added to a contract CSV template.